

audio2u.com podcasts are now listed on the following podcast directories:


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You've just found the web's new home of quality podcasts.
Featuring KillerKontent™, great personalities, timely up-to-the-minute material, AND the highest quality audio production values around.
At audio2u.com, we pride ourselves on the quality of our podcasts, and believe that once you've sampled one, you'll be back for more.
Our podcasts are listed in the nav bar to the left, and a description of what each one is about is a little further down this page.

Never heard of podcasting? Not sure how it all works, or what the buzz is about? Read on...

Podcasts are simply pieces of audio, compressed into the popular MP3 format. While you can come to the site and download them manually, the true beauty of podcasting is in the ability to use software (what is normally referred to as either a 'podcast client' or a 'podcast aggregator') to automatically download the content that interests you as soon as it is updated.
Here at audio2u.com, our content gets updated every week. So, if for example, you are interested in technology, you could set up a software 'subscription' (don't worry, there's no money involved... it's purely a terminology which refers to the action of the software) to Fuzzy Logic, audio2u.com's technology podcast. Then, whenever you're connected to the 'net, your podcast client will continually monitor audio2u.com, and whenever it finds a new episode of Fuzzy Logic on our server, it will download it for you. This eliminates the 'click and wait' annoyance of the internet, because the first thing you know is when your podcast client tells you that not only is there a new episode of your favourite content available, but it has already downloaded it for you, and it's ready to play... NOW!

Do I need an iPod to download a podcast?

Absolutely not! Podcasts can be consumed via any hardware media player (iRiver, Creative, anything you like).
They can be listened to from your desktop via any software media player.
You can even burn them to CD to take in the car.

OK, you've sold me! I want in! What do I do now?

First of all, you need to find yourself a podcast client that you're comfortable with. There's a whole heap listed on the podcast software page.
Once you've downloaded and installed your software of choice, you need to set up a 'subscription'. Again, don't worry, there's no money changing hands. It just means you're telling the software that you want to stay abreast of any updates to a particular podcast channel. Setting up a subscription usually involves finding the link for the podcast channel, and these links normally end in either .xml or .rss. Here at audio2u.com, we use .xml.
When you get to one of our podcast pages, right click on the image that says 'xml', and select 'copy link location'. Now, in your podcast client, select 'new podcast' (or whatever your software calls it... in iTunes, go to Advanced/Subscribe to podcast) and paste the link. That's it! Your podcast client will handle it from there.
Alternatively, if you're using iTunes, you can visit the iTunes Music Store and browse the podcasts section. Pretty easy, eh?
Now, sit back and enjoy as your favourite KillerKontent™ gets downloaded to your desktop (or mobile MP3 player)!

What content have you got?

Building The Pod - a week by week tutorial on how to use Adobe Audition.
Shutters Inc - a weekly chat about digital photography, both compact, and SLR.
Sine Language - a weekly discussion of all things audio, acoustics and so forth.

Power User's tip!

If you start up iTunes, and click on the 'Podcasts' item on the left hand side, you can drag and drop the XML icon from any web page into iTunes, and iTunes will automatically add that feed as one of your subscribed podcasts!


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